Early reviews of Souvenir Reflection

"Got this in the mail today. Bukowski in a cowboy hat.  
It's currently 1:45 pm and I don't drink, but right now I feel like it's 3 am, the bars are closed, and I want another double shot of tequila...Thanks, Jud Block." 

-- Douglass Thompson, singer/songwriter

"Having received Jud Block's new CD a few days ago the first thing I did was read the poetry. Thought for a minute that one or both of us needed therapy. Then I hit play. It was then I heard those words woven in to a musical treat of the likes I haven't heard in a while. The instrumental tones were dark and ethereal and brought that poetry to life in ways that would make Tom Waits proud.  Keep up the good work Jud !! Thank you for that musical treat."  

-- James Mill, Texas music aficionado

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